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Freehold Soccer League

Freehold Soccer League

Coaches FAQ

Not familiar with soccer terms ->

1.  What certifications do I need as a coach/asst. coach?


2.  What about Assistant Coaches?

Coach gets to pick his/her assistant.  Bring assistant coach nominee to General Membership meeting in (preferably in August) for approval by general membership and FSL Board.


3.  What do I tell parents about uniforms?

The travel coordinator has been in touch with parents and given them uniform instructions.  You should make sure the parents order ASAP, so they are here by 8/1.  Kits are updated every 2 years.

Use promo code FSLREWARD for a 10% savings


4.  Team Bank acct - what is required by FSL?

All teams will have a Oceans First bank account Dual check signing (will send separate email on how to open the account)


5.  What about the handling of the Team Budget/Collecting Team Funds?

Sample budget - see here.  1st payment should be collected by 8/1 (or as soon as your bank account is set up).

6.  When should new teams/coaches hold the Team Meeting?

You should hold the 1st team meeting by 7/30. 

a.  Topics to cover:

i.   Liv like a Unicorn Soccer Tournament 8/7

ii.   When does practice start (on or about 8/1)

b.  2 practices a week and 1 game (typically played on Sunday’s)

iii.  Frightfest Tournament in Oct

iv.  Fall season ends in mid Nov

v.  TeamSnap - You will have a team account for scheduling and team correspondence

vi.  Team managers/Treasurer – each team should have a manager (teamsnap, other activities) and a treasurer. Counts towards the Individual Work Bond

vii.  Individual Work Bonds - $150 collected by coaches at 1st practice and submitted to Secretary at September General Membership Meeting using this form.  Parents are required to volunteer 4 hours from August through June.

viii. Team Work Bond – FSL has a team workbond program, where the team is responsible for  working our tournaments, or lining fields during the season.  These hours count for the team and also for the individual bond.  Each team will have an assignment.  Once completed, the league will pay the team $250 in the fall and then after completion in the spring, an additional $250.  So the team earns $500.

**teams must also attend 75% of the general membership meetings**

ix.   Practice – Practices typically start August 1st.  By the end of August, you will be assigned a time slot (up to 2 times a week) at Opatut for weekly practices.  Practice slots are 1.5 hours each.


7.  What the the Teams Trainer Requirements ?

New u8 teams will be assigned Rob Soto/REPS as their trainer.  We will work with the other new teams to identify a trainer for you.  At U8 the trainer will conduct 1 practice per week with the team.  At U9 and above the trainer will conduct 2 practices a week for the team (team responsibility to pay).  Trainer costs are between $125-$150 per session


8.  What about Flights?

All teams start in MOSA league.  The travel coordinator will work with you to schedule games once they have the master schedule.


9.  Typical start dates for Fall and Spring seasons?

  • Fall League Season starts the 1st weekend after Labor Day
  • Spring League Season starts around April 1st


10. What about Tournaments ?

1.  FSL runs one in the Fall (Frightfest in Oct – u8-u12)

2.  FSL runs one in the Spring (Freedom Cup in June)

**These are mandatory for all FSL Travel teams.


11. What do I need to know about GotSoccer?

This is where your schedule will be hosted, game cards are printed from here.  The travel coordinator will set you up with login credentials and will walk you through the site. See section below for tips and instructions on using GotSoccer


12. Game requirements?
Game cards (printed from gotsoccer), ref money (amount due printed on gamecard (home team pays for full for MOSA games), game ball supplied by home team
       1.  Make-up games/pre plays – travel coordinator will explain how to do this


13. Winter practice and indoor seasons?
Will be covered at new coaches meeting (in Aug and Sept)

GotSoccer Info

Mosa Coach Presentation Q&A - (DOC)

Login Instructions (full instructions):

2) type your email address and click on forgot password
3) Reset Password
4) Log back in with new password

Adding Players to Roster
1) go to upper right corner and click on your profile
2) select team mgmt
3) click on team name, then roster, select a roster, add player, each player (You need their Name, DOB)

Fixing Player IDs on Game (Match) Card
1) go to upper right corner and click on your profile
2) s
elect team mgmt
3) click on team name, then roster, sel
ect a roster
4) On each player select their name to bring to their profile page
5) Select roles and on the Freehold SL add the number
See the image below for more details.

Instructions to print Game Cards/Match Cards:
Directions to print Match Card (old Game Card):
1. log into the team account
2. click "Team Management" at the top
3. click on "Matches" on the left side
4. there are filters to help narrow the options for coaches that coach more than one team
5. find the game you want to print the Match Card for
6. on the far right there should be "..." click on those and the top option is "Print Match Card"

Chat with other coaches:
Under or next to those "..." is a chat function for coaches to communicate with each other.
Before each game, confirm location, time, and uniform color.

Hi, Coach. I'm writing to confirm the details of our game this Sunday ____ at ____.
The street address for our fields is 116 Jackson Mills Road in Freehold. Please advise your
families to GPS to that address; GPS to Jackson Mills Soccer Fields may lead to fields in
Jackson instead.

At home we wear blue shirts, shorts, and socks. Please confirm that you will wear white or a
color than blue.

We will play on field ____. Scroll down on this page for our field map for travel games at
Jackson Mills:

Looking forward to a good game.

Generally in the spring you can copy the roster from the fall into the spring's roster.
After its cloned, check the game card that all players have correct IDs (See above)


Freehold Soccer League
PO Box 653 
Freehold, New Jersey 07728

Email: [email protected]

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