116 Jackson Mills Rd Freehold New Jersey United States 07728
(Last updated 03/24/25 at 03:34 PM )
486 East Freehold Road Freehold New Jersey United States 07728
(Last updated 03/26/25 at 02:32 PM )
237 Stonehurst Boulevard Freehold New Jersey United States 07728
(Last updated 05/03/23 at 11:46 AM )
271 Elton Adelphia Rd Freehold New Jersey United States 07728
There's additional practice fields on the Lacrosse fields at Michael J Tight Park. The fields are on the left when entering. These fields have lights.
Note we only have access to the fields on Thursdays and Fridays
Freehold Soccer League PO Box 653 Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Email: [email protected]